أحدث المواضيع

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Signs of the Hour 
Hour markers and the Signs of the time in the Islamic religion is a set of phenomena and events indicates they occur on the imminence of the Day of Judgment, and the meaning of conditioning in Arabic: collection requirement, the requirement tag, and the Signs of the time any markings and their causes, they are the signs that will be after the time. [1] 
The time: a time when the resurrection, and they called time to surprise people die in an hour and all of creation Besihh one. [2] 
Sections Signs of the Hour [edit] 
Signs of the Hour and its signs are divided into two sections: 
Section I: conditioning and minor signs [edit] 
It is of two types: 
The first type Emirates remote: It appeared that the signs and passed a junior after the time of occurrence for the time, such as the mission of the Prophet peace be upon him, and split the moon and exit of a great fire in the city. 
The second type Emirates medium: It appeared and has not expired but growing abound and there are many signs of a very junior also come as including: the nation to give birth to her mistress, and affect the barefooted, naked, destitute teas in architecture, and thirty-out charlatans claiming prophethood. 
Section II: major labels [edit] 
It is followed by that time if popping a Ashralamat did not show them anything. 
Huzaifa said may Allah be pleased with him: "See the Prophet peace be upon him, we said we were discussing: what you remember? They remind time, he said: It will not even see before ten verses stated: 
1. The smoke. 
2. Quack. 
3. Animal. 
4. The rising of the sun from the west. 
5. And the descent of Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon him. 
6. Gog and Magog. 
And three eclipse: 
7. Eclipsed bright. 
8. Eclipsed in Morocco. 
9. Eclipsed and the Arabian Peninsula. 
10. The fire and another graduated from Yemen and drive people to their place of gathering ". [3] 
Minor Signs of the Hour [edit] 
Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed article: Minor signs of the Hour 
Signs and signed [edit] 
Mission Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. 
The death of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. 
Split the moon. 
Extinction noble Companions, God bless them. 
Conquest of Jerusalem. 
Kqas our dead sheep. 
The emergence of the large number of different kinds of temptations. 
The advent of satellite channels. 
Tell him peace be upon him about the battle of the two rows. 
The emergence of the Kharijites. 
Exit vaunted prophecy and charlatans and liars. 
Common security and prosperity. 
The emergence of fire from the Hijaz. 
Turk fight. 
The emergence of the darkness of men beating people with whips. 
Frequent repetition of (murder). 
Loss of trust and removed from the hearts. 
Follow the ways of the past Nations. 
The birth of the nation's mistress. 
The emergence clothed yet naked. 
Affect the barefooted, naked patrons Balbnaan teas. 
Recognizes own. 
Rampant trade. 
Women's participation in her husband's trade. 
Control of some of the traders on the market. 
Concealment right certificate. 
The appearance of ignorance. 
Frequent stinginess and miserliness. 
Uterine rupture. 
Poor neighborhood. 
The emergence of obscenity. 
Secretary distrust and credit traitor. 
Loss of mule deer and the emergence of Altjut. 
Indifference to the source of the money from haram or halal. 
To take shade states. 
The Secretariat shall be booty. 
Not perfumed the hearts of people making their Zakat payments (and fond of Zakat). 
Learning science is God. 
Obey her mother and ingratitude. 
Adina exclusion of parents and friends. 
Lifting of the votes in the mosques. 
The rule of evildoers tribes. 
Be the leader of the folk Orzlhm. 
Ikram man to prevent evil. 
Asthlal free. 
Asthlal silk for men. 
Asthlal wine. 
Asthlal musical instruments. 
People wishing for death. 
The time of the advent of man becomes a believer and infidel evening comes. 
Decoration of mosques and flaunt it. 
Decoration of houses and decorate it. 
Frequent stalagmites at the approaching time. 
Frequent writing and spread. 
The acquisition of money and brag to speak the tongue. 
The proliferation of books other than the Koran. 
Akther time in which readers and scholars, scientists say. 
Knowing when to seek Minor. 
Sudden death. 
Emirate foolish. 
Convergence time. 
To utter Alroidp. 
To become the happiest people ČÇáĎäíÇ Lkaa bin Lkaa. 
Take mosques ways. 
The high cost of dowries and then licensed. 
The cost of the horse and then licensed. 
Convergence markets. 
Nations on the collapse of the Islamic nation. 
Defend people from leading the prayers. 
Believe vision insured. 
Frequent lying. 
The occurrence of tankers between people. 
Frequent earthquakes. 
Large numbers of women. 
Few men. 
The emergence of outrageous and publicized. 
Take a taxi to read the Koran. 
That frequently in people margarine. 
Witness the emergence of a people who do not cite. 
The emergence of a people who do not meet the vows. 
The strong eat the weak. 
Leave the rule of God. 
Frequent rum and a few Arabs. 
The emergence of new Murahaleen (auto) 
Marks did not fall after the [edit] 
Thoroughgoing money and abundance among the people. 
Directed by land to their treasures. 
The emergence of a mutant. 
The emergence of Rift. 
Routine ejaculation. 
Rain or not it houses diuretic. 
Rain came down from heaven, nor the earth grows anything. 
CHARM Tstzv Arabs. 
Word of the trees victory for the Muslims. 
Word of stone victory for Muslims. 
Muslims fight the Jews. 
Reverse the Euphrates a mountain of gold. 
The advent of time in which man has the choice between deficit and debauchery. 
Back Arabian Peninsula, meadows and rivers. 
Alahlas emergence of sedition. 
The emergence of sedition weal. 
Aldhame emergence of sedition. 
The advent of time-Sajdah which modulate the minimum and where. 
Crescents bulge. 
The advent of time does not remain only a right of the Levant. 
Grand saga between Muslims and Roman. 
The conquest of Constantinople (groundbreaking is open Mehmet the Conqueror). 
That does not divide the inheritance. 
That people do not rejoice booty. 
People return to the arms and Almrcopat old. 
Imran Jerusalem. 
The destruction of the city and they are free of the population and visitors. 
City deny Cherarha as the bellows eliminate impurities from iron. 
The demise of the mountains from their places. 
Man out of Qahtan people obey him. 
Exit man said to him Aljahjah: come out in the last decade men have them Charge and round between people mention the Prophet peace be upon him some of them his own name or as one of those men said to him Aljahjah, Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: <<Do not go nights and days even have a man of the pro said to him: >> Aljahjah. [4] 
Speaking of wild animals and inanimate objects. 
Speaking party whip. 
Spoke traps soles. 
News thigh of the man his family the news. 
The Hour will not go away until indelible and Islam. 
Lifting of the Holy Koran and the breasts. 
Army invades the Sacred House Ikhosv Bolh and etcetera. 
Leave a pilgrimage to the House of God. 
The return of some Arab tribes to worship idols. 
Yard Quraysh tribe. 
Destroy the Kaaba at the hands of a man from Abyssinia. 
First, last cursed nation.
ضع إعلان أدسنس هنا يوصى بـ 368×280

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